The Linux semi-dedicated servers, available through Entrinsik Group are really a truly unique web hosting solution. Take a look at their video presentation.

All of our semi–dedicated servers may be found in Entrinsik Group’s advanced US based datacenter. This data center found in the heart of Chicago provides unparalleled power and cooling opportunities. It has at the same time set up a massive peering network with data centers plus network providers, both in the area and world wide. What this means is, that it gives you unequalled connectivity levels.

The semi–dedicated servers are created over an SE Linux, a particular safety boosted form of Linux, that has been also intensely customized by our administrators. This means you’ll be able to feel protected along with your semi–dedicated server – there won’t be any viruses and trojans on our machines. With resources such as ModSecurity, your web sites and then web applications will be effortlessly protected against the most frequent hacker assaults. Each one server likewise offers sufficient CPU and MySQL usage allocations, enough to power any kind of web site or app.

Each individual semi–dedicated server comes with our customizable Web Hosting Control Panel. It’s stuffed with great tools and free of cost bonuses, that can assist you bring your site one step further.