
Geared up for all kinds of tasks

Our Virtual Private Server packs are built with all the functionalities and applications you’ll need to run your multi–media sites and web apps from 1 place. Every VPS plan features a choice of Operating Systems, NVMe storage space, root/administrator access to the server and regular offsite backups. You will have guaranteed CPU and memory quotas for a lot faster data transfer rates.

NVMe disk space storage

Maximize your website’s general performance with our NVMe–centered Virtual Private Servers

Each of the Virtual Servers supplied by Entrinsik Group is provided with NVMe drives as opposed to typical hard drives. Owning NVMe disks on your virtual machine could be a terrific benefit for your web pages. NVMe drives offer more effective read/write data transfer rates and in addition support much faster data file accessibility. This basically means that all the things on your web server will get the job done much faster, including all your websites and web applications.

Linux OS version preferences

Make a choice between Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS

We will offer you a collection of Linux OS versions for your VPS at sign–up. On the registration form, you will be able to opt for among the following Linux OS options – Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS. Only decide on the one that you need and we’ll handle the installation for you.

A cost–free dedicated IP address

Get a cost–free dedicated IP with each VPS

A Virtual Private Server will provide you with 100% independence online, and to make it easier for you to start off instantly, we offer you a dedicated IP at zero cost. When you join, all you have to do is let us know which Operating System you like best and we’ll put together your hosting server and assign a special dedicated IP to you at zero cost. If you need additional IPs, you could order them from your Control Panel at an advantageous cost.