Web Hosting Control Panel

Handle your sites with a single click of your mouse

It is now pain–free to take over your sites with the next–generation Web Application Installer that we’ve assembled for you with ease of usage in mind. Coordinate all of your data files with sleek drag–and–drop steps, register, transfer and take control of a lot of domains from a single area, create email addresses in an instant, run email list activities easily, configure and open your databases with a click, observe site stats in real time, etc). Cutting–edge applications like a framework installation software, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection program are added too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

Extra power for your applications and websites

A semi-dedicated server is made to provide you with far more resources as compared to a shared website hosting package, but in a similar easy to use package with no server administration involved. Also, since on a semi-dedicated server you’ll find far less people than on a shared web hosting server, this means not merely additional resources for your sites but additionally greater stability for your web presence.

Entrinsik Group’s semi-dedicated servers are equipped with increased CPU use quotas, rendering them a fantastic alternative for your resource-intensive web sites and web applications.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables effortlessly

In case that your shared web hosting account can’t deal with the CPU and MySQL use of your website, migrating to a semi-dedicated server could be the best option for you. You will have much greater CPU utilization and MySQL queries quotas for your websites to work with.

In addition, with extra MySQL queries available, you might have a lot more people utilizing your applications or database-driven web sites all at once.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All semi-dedicated servers reside in our world-class US based datacenter found in Chicago, Illinois. It was one of the very few US facilities that allowed us to deploy our unique internal network and the only one that could offer the hardware we needed in due time. It has a superb support team, which is available around the clock.

Another great advantage of our US based datacenter is that it provides wonderful network connectivity with the rest of the world. Because of that, all US semi-dedicated servers are going to take advantage of the best website loading speeds.

USA Data Center

24x7 Support

24/7 customer assistance

Entrinsik Group’s department of qualified consultants is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any kind of problems that you could possibly have concerning our Linux semi-dedicated servers. Whether you want guidance or have a serious situation to fix, we’re here to assist you. You could write to us by electronic mail or by way of the ticket system. A 1–hour reply is guaranteed. You may also ring us on the telephone or employ the live chat support during company hours.

24x7 Support

Faster Performance

Your sites will finally load noticeably faster

Our Linux semi-dedicated servers provide a considerably faster functionality for your sites. The system bandwidth has been increased to 10 Gbits in order to improve the network connectivity and to help all of your sites load more rapidly. Additional servers have been added to optimize server upkeep procedures and to decrease troublesome service interruptions and outages. The semi-dedicated servers use NVMe disks, which are a lot more durable and quicker than the conventional HDDs employed by most website hosting companies.

Faster Performance

NVMe Drives

Your web site will be quicker with NVMe drives

All contemprorary desktop machines and/or mobile computing devices are equipped with NVMes and for a reason. NVMe drives offer you speedier reading/writing data transfer rates, helping to make all process remarkably quicker. The same will be applied to your website if you move it to Entrinsik Group. All of our Linux semi-dedicated servers are built with NVMe drives and the web sites hosted with us function much faster as compared to those operating on standard hard disk drives.

And one of the benefits is that you do not really have to modify or adjust anything whatsoever so as to make it manage faster.

NVMe Drives

Remote MySQL Access

Communicate with your data bases from distance

Commonly, a data base may solely be entered by web pages that are generated in the very same web hosting account as the data base. However by using our Remote MySQL feature, you can allow data base connection to another hostname of your liking. This could be very helpful if you happen to have many web stores and would like to share a purchaser data base among all of them

Remote MySQL Access

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Security–increased Linux–oriented servers

Our servers offer you a safety–enhanced Linux version, which makes them very secure and balanced. We have invested a great deal of time and work in developing a reliable system that has the potential to hold up against huge hacker or denial–of–service attacks without forced disruptions to the web hosting service and discrediting your site’s functioning.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Web Accelerators

Make your site extremely fast

With Entrinsik Group, you do not really have to remove code or to decrease your web page’s information to allow it to be stream better. Owing to the Web Accelerators (Varnish, Node.js and also Memcached) integrated into the Web Application Installer going with each deal, you are able to help to make your site open up a lot faster than before – you will be able to make it 10 to 500 times better!

Web Accelerators