Scripting Support

PHP. Python. Perl. PgSQL. MySQL.

Build a PHP–based web site. Develop a Python app. Make use of the capabilities of over nine thousand Perl modules. Store your data in MySQL or even PostgreSQL databases. Create InnoDB tables. Use remote MySQL database connections. You can do all that plus much more using any of the hosting packages that we are providing. There are no extra charges – it is all included in your cloud hosting pack right from the start.

Scripting Support

Web Accelerators

Make your site faster than the speed of sound

With Entrinsik Group, you do not need to delete code or to decrease your website’s content to make it load faster. As a result of the Web Accelerators (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) incorporated into the Web Hosting Control Panel included in each web hosting plan, you’ll be able to make your web site open faster than ever – you will be able to make it 10–500 times quicker!

Web Accelerators

Multiple Data Centers

Always offer the best web site loading speeds for your web site visitors

The data center facility location directly influences your site’s load speed, hence, by choosing a datacenter that is as near as possible to your potential clients, you’ll ensure the nicest web browsing experience for them. We offer you a choice of data center facilities on 3 continents – Colohouse in Chicago, Illinois, USA; UK Servers in Coventry, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. They all offer a reliable and protected hosting environment with a 24/7/365 server monitoring service and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Multiple Data Centers


A safe web application firewall software

Our company offers an instant method of shielding every single web application in your cloud hosting account, regardless of whether it is freshly installed or has been transferred from a different web hosting provider. All our hosting packages include ModSecurity – a web application firewall, which is enabled automatically. We have configured it to immediately stop the majority of hacker assaults. This implies that when you host your website with us, it’ll be safer than before.


Data Backups

Ever lost your website content? Turn to our backup solution

When posted on the web, your web site content will be susceptible to cyber–thieves assaults. It could be affected even by your very own unintended actions. Select us and, there is nothing to worry about, since we keep a backup copy of your website content, which will be restored any time you’d like. Moreover, you have the option to make manual backups of your whole web site with one click of the mouse through your File Manager, which is available in the Web Hosting Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all your website files and will save them in a ZIP archive, which will be saved in your web hosting account.

Data Backups

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our bundles is set up for your needs cost–free. 30–day refund. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min reply time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Check out our rates and select the ideal website hosting service for your personal or business web sites. It is possible to transition to a more advanced package with just a mouse click.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We are available for you in working hours to answer any inquiries concerning our cloud hosting service.