Linux is a well known OS, that's traditionally used for web servers, given that it offers a wide variety of advantages over other Operating Systems. It is regarded as the most reliable Operating system nowadays and because of the way it runs, infected files shall simply not work. Because Linux is free to use, no license fees will be added to the price that you will have to pay for your website hosting service. This, in turn, allows for the provider to customize the OS according to what they and their customers require, removing unneeded packages to optimize the Operating system and the server’s general performance. Linux servers typically include the Apache web server software, which processes website access requests. Apache is furthermore totally free and easy to customize, not to mention that it's extremely fast and light with regard to the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment that many of the most widely used script applications require – WordPress, Joomla, Moodle, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most widely used one globally, since it is stable and easy to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Hosting

All the servers which are an integral part of our innovative cloud hosting platform run Linux to be able to guarantee their fast and reliable functioning, that will in turn lead to far better overall website performance. That is valid for every website that you host inside a hosting account with our company. Each and every part of the website hosting service (e-mails, databases, files) shall be handled by its own cluster of web servers, so just one type of processes shall run on a given web server, which will contribute to the amazing loading speed of your sites even more. You may use HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl and any other web development language for your websites, because they all can run on a Linux machine. In addition we use the Apache web server, since our experience over time has proven that it is probably the best piece of software of its type.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server account for your Internet sites, you will be able to benefit from a secure and dependable hosting service on our groundbreaking hosting platform. Linux-powered groups of servers will give you the system resources and the uptime you need, since this OS harmonizes with our requirements and permits us to modify the software environment so as to get the most out of the platform, whose architecture contributes to the speed and stability of the service even more, since your files, databases, email messages, statistics, and so on., will have their own group to manage them. To enhance the functionality of your sites even more, we use the Apache web server, simply because our experience demonstrates it's the perfect one for our customized platform because it is powerful, yet light and speedy.