Memcached is a widespread memory caching system, which can boost the speed and the performance of your sites immensely in case they use a database or an API. This is achieved by caching the requests to the database/API and the responses that are delivered, so if a customer conducts a search for a specific product on your Internet site, for instance, the database won’t have to be accessed to return the results and the entire task will be executed much quicker. This is valid for all types of database-driven apps and not only for e-stores, as every time a given web page is opened, the app sends a database query to get the content that should be displayed. With Memcached, not only will your site load considerably faster, but it will also generate much less server load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be ‘refreshed’, so the website visitors will not see any old information.

Memcached in Hosting

The Memcached data caching system comes as an upgrade with each and every Linux hosting service that we’re offering and you can start using it the moment you add it, as the extension that it requires so as to perform correctly is already present on our advanced cloud website hosting platform. You can request the upgrade via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is available with each and every web hosting package and a brand new section where you can manage Memcached will show up. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the instances and the amount of system memory, so as to give you more freedom. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites which can use the Memcached caching system, while the second, which comes in increments of 16 megabytes, indicates the total size of the content that can be cached by the system. A busy website with a large-sized database may require more memory in order to take an even bigger advantage of Memcached, so if you need to upgrade this feature, you’ll be able to do it at any given moment with several clicks.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you obtain one of our semi-dedicated server plans, you will find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of the Hepsia Control Panel, so if you’d like to use it for any of the sites hosted in the semi-dedicated server hosting account, you can enable it with just a few mouse clicks. The content caching platform is perfect for any script-powered application like WordPress, Joomla, or even a custom-developed application, and depending on your needs, you will be able to choose two separate things – how many Internet sites will use Memcached, i.e. the number of instances; and how much info will be stored, in other words – the amount of memory that the platform will use. The two things are not tied to each other, so if you’ve got a popular site with lots of data, you can get one instance and a larger amount of system memory. The Memcached platform will increase the overall performance of your sites soon after you enable it and both you and your site visitors will enjoy faster loading speeds.

Memcached in VPS Servers

Memcached is offered by default with every VPS server that we’re offering as long as you choose Hepsia as your Control Panel, so you will not have to pay any extra money to be able to use the full potential of this content caching system. The more powerful plan you choose, the more system memory Memcached will have for content caching purposes, but you will have at least several hundred megabytes all the time, which is much more than what you’d get with a shared web hosting plan. This will permit you to use Memcached for lots of Internet sites, irrespective of how busy they are, which in turn goes to say that you can use a less powerful plan for them without overloading your Virtual Private Server. The caching system is excellent for script-based web applications such as OpenCart, Joomla, WordPress or Mambo, and you can utilize it even with a custom-created app. Soon after you activate Memcached, it will begin caching data and you’ll spot the improved performance of your websites.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

Memcached comes free of charge with all dedicated servers offered by us and the only condition is that the server must be ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can use the caching system for any database-powered site, including those that are based on widely used web-based applications – for instance, a WordPress personal blog or a Joomla-driven community website. Each server is tied to a different amount of memory that Memcached can use, but the minimum you will get is 3 GB, which is quite enough to speed up very heavy sites tremendously, since this memory will be dedicated to storing the cached data. The system will start caching content as soon as it is activated, so shortly thereafter, you’ll note the enhanced overall performance of your sites and the lowered load on the dedicated machine. Lots of Internet sites use the Memcached caching system to improve their efficiency, among them popular ones such as Reddit and Wikipedia.